

Asociácia Djov a hudobných producentov Slovenska

Výhody pre člena
O združení


Obsah kurzu DJ Camp basic :

Charakteristika kurzu:


• the workshop focuses on the basics of mixing, how to choose and use the DJ tech and introduces to the best-known DJ platforms, such as Rekordbox, Traktor and Serato

• lecturers hand down to young DJs what they learned from experience - how to select and sort their music or how to work the public

• professional DJ tech by the brand Pioneer will be at your disposal throughout the whole workshop

• the goal of the workshop is to give its participants a basic understanding what a DJ does in order for them to assess whether they want to do this profession

• workshops are being organized at training centers in Humenné, Prešov, Stará Ľubovňa, Košice, Poprad, Liptovský Mikuláš, Rimavská Sobota and Bratislava

• it is a 3-day workshop (8 lecture hours)

• price for an individual workshop:  499 EUR in English by DLUGOSH





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